Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012
Recursive ThinReg with no Desktop flashing
ThinApp Clean the Sandbox at Start
I found a workaround to check for a clean sandbox each time when a user starts an ThinApp application with the Callback Function OnFirstSandboxOwner and initialize the Sandbox each time when it’s not clean with and RemoveSandboxOnExit and Exit Process API call. This works perfect with the parameter RemoveSandboxOnExit=1 inside the package.ini and you must be sure that your sandbox is clean before the application starts. The user gets a Message Box that he has to restart the application and that’s it.
And here is the Script:
Function OnFirstSandboxOwner
If CheckForCleanSandbox() <> True Then
RemoveSandBoxOnExit (1)
ExitProcess -1
End If
End Function
Function CheckForCleanSandbox()
CheckForCleanSandbox = False
FoundnotDefault = False
SandboxParent = GetBuildOption("SandboxPath")
SandboxName = GetBuildOption("SandboxName")
If SandboxParent = "." Then
SandboxPath = SourcePath & SandboxName
SandboxPath = SandboxParent & Chr(92) & SandboxName
End If
If SandboxParent = "" Then
SandboxPath = "%AppData%\Thinstall\" & SandboxName
End If
'Const DbQuote = """"
'SandboxPathCheck = DbQuote & SandboxPath & DbQuote
FolderExists = objFSO.FolderExists(SandboxPath)
If (FolderExists) Then
'Sandbox exists! Check if this is a real ThinApp Sandbox folder
Regtvr = SandboxPath + "\Registry.rw.tvr"
'Check if file Registry.rw.tvr exists...")
'MsgBox Regtvr
RegtvrExists = objFSO.FileExists(Regtvr)
If (RegtvrExists) Then
'MsgBox "Registry file exists"
'File Registry.rw.tvr exists! This is a vaild ThinApp Sandbox...
'MsgBox SandboxPath
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(SandboxPath)
'Check if this a clean Sandbox environment...
Set Files = objFolder.files
Set Subfolders = objFolder.SubFolders
For Each File In Files
If File.Name = "Registry.rw.tvr" Then
'File Registry.rw.tvr is needed for Sandbox. Default file
ElseIf File.Name = "Registry.rw.tvr.lck" Then
'File Registry.rw.tvr.lck is needed for Sandbox. Default file
ElseIf File.name = "Registry.rw.tvr.transact" Then
'File Registry.rw.tvr.transact is needed for Sandbox. Default file
ElseIf File.name = "Registry.tlog" Then
'File Registry.tlog is needed for Sandbox. Default file
ElseIf File.name = "Registry.tlog.cache" Then
'File Registry.tlog.cache needed for Sandbox. Default file
'Found not default file in Sandbox. Sandbox is not clean!
FoundnotDefault = true
End If
For Each Folder In Subfolders
If Folder.Name ="SKEL" Then
'ThinApp Default Temp Folder. Do nothing....
'Found not default folder in Sandbox. Sandbox is not clean!
FoundnotDefault = true
End If
MsgBox "File Registry.rw.tvr doesn't exist! It looks like this is not a valid ThinApp Sandbox..."
End If
MsgBox "Your Sandbox is not valid or accessible. Please contact your ThinApp Administrator!"
End If
'Space to check for registry files that could exist in a not clean sandbox environment.
If FoundnotDefault <> True Then
'Sandbox is new
CheckForCleanSandbox = True
MsgBox "You have an existing Sandbox. The Sandbox will be initialized now and the application must be restarted.",,"Check Sandbox"
CheckForCleanSandbox = False
End If
End Function